Talks and presentations

Some approaches in Neural Networks Assisted Error Correction Coding

October 27, 2023

Neural Networks Seminar, Moscow State University, Intelligent Systems Chair, Moscow, Russia

Error Correction Coding (ECC) is a set of techniques and algorithms which are devoted to solving the problem of reliable data transmission through the noisy channel. This is not a new field of research and a great variety of error correction codes was proposed in the last decades.

Approximate Nearest Neighbors Search in Multidimensional Space

May 05, 2023

Neural Networks Seminar, Moscow State University, Intelligent Systems Chair, Moscow, Russia

In modern applications connected with media processing it is often required to perform fast similarity search inside some extra-large datasets. This tasks can be logically separated into two parts, which, to some extent, can be solved independently:

  1. Finding some feature representation of the media data (i.e. images) that would quantify the “meaning” of the file;
  2. Building a large scale index which would allow to search for the similar elements given some input query from user.